Sunday 18th April
The written service is led by Jackie Davies and the Circuit Video Service by Rev Paul Saunders
The written service is led by Jackie Davies and the Circuit Video Service by Rev Paul Saunders
This week the written service is led by Fiona Crouch and the Circuit video service by Deacon Kina Saunders.
The following services may be viewed on our YouTube channel: On Maundy Thursday from 7pm: A meditation in the form of a service of Tenebrae (Light and Dark) On Good Friday from 10am:…
The written service is led by Rev. Joyce Ellis. The Circuit Video Service is led by Deacon Kina Saunders.
The written service this week is led by John Wilson. The Circuit video service is led by Deacon Kina Saunders.
This week the written service is led by Jackie Davies and the Circuit video service by Paul and Kina Saunders
The Circuit video service this week is led by Rev Paul Saunders. The written service is led by Gillian Bounds.
The written service is led by Fiona Crouch and may be downloaded by clicking on the image below. The circuit video service is led by Deacon Kina Saunders.
The written service is led by Rev David Hasson and may be downloaded by clicking on the image below. The Circuit video service is led by Rev Paul Saunders following the theme in the…
The written service is led by Rev Joyce Ellis. The preacher for the circuit video service is Trey Hall, Director of Evangelism and growth for the Methodist Church.