Sunday 4th July
10.30 am Service of Holy Communion led by Rev Paul Saunders. Weekly Notices A written service is also available to download by clicking on the image below.
10.30 am Service of Holy Communion led by Rev Paul Saunders. Weekly Notices A written service is also available to download by clicking on the image below.
10.30 am Morning Worship led by Fiona Crouch. A written service led by Rev David Hasson is available to download by clicking on the image below. 4.00 pm Ordination Service for our friend Moses…
10.30 am Morning Worship. Taize style worship
10.30 am Morning Worship led by Paul Moores: Leprosy Mission Sunday. A written service is also available this week by clicking HERE. It is led by Jackie Davies
10.30 am Morning Worship led by Rev Joyce Ellis For those of you who are unable to be with us for worship on Sunday morning, there is also a written service available by clicking…
10.30 am Morning Worship led by Deacon Kina Saunders – all are welcome. Notices A written service is also available to download by clicking on the image below.
We reopen for worship this Sunday. It’s Pentecost – our time of celebration for the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. Come and join us – All are welcome….
This week the written service is led by Gillian Bounds and the circuit video service by Rev Paul Saunders and Deacon Kina Saunders
This week the written service is led by John Wilson, the lay worker based at Egremont Methodist Church. The Circuit video service is led by Tori Jones.
The written service is led by Rev David Hasson and the circuit video service by Jackie Davies.